Green Thumb App

Houseplants die for one simple reason: people don’t know how to take care of them. That’s why I made Green Thumb, an app designed to improve the life expectancy of your little leafy friends by teaching you how to be a better gardner one makeshift watering can at a time.

Green Thumb is an app that guarantees you won’t kill your new houseplant with your black thumb.

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The home screen includes a top scroll bar of all the user's plants. The plants that need watering or have been neglected are pushed to the top of the list and highlighted as a reminder.

Content is curated to individual user's needs and interests based on the questions answered when the user first downloads the app.

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Get detailed information about yours plants as well as basic care and cultivation instructions.

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Identify a plant by snapping a picture of it.

Add the plant to "My Plants" by giving it a name, selecting the size, and setting a watering schedule.

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Set a daily, weekly, or monthly watering schedule for your plants. The app will send a push notification when a plant needs wateirng.